Columbia Bath and Tennis Club's COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

During IL Bridge Mitigation, and until further notified, the following will be Columbia Bath and Tennis Club's (CBTC) policies and procedures.

  • Reservations will be made through the CBTC website. Reservations will be in 120 minute intervals, with time for cleaning in-between.

  • When entering and leaving the pool, we will have a separate entrance and exit. Enter as you normally do, through the main entrance, but exit via the gate at the north east corner of the deck, which will be clearly marked with an exit sign.

  • Our registration process will include acknowledging that you have not been exposed to COVID-19, and are aware of, and accept, the risk of COVID-19, and do not hold the pool liable.

  • We ask members and their guests planning to enter the facility to self-screen prior to attendance and not to enter the facility if any of the following are present: (1) any symptoms of COVID-19, (2) fever equal to or higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, (3) under evaluation for COVID-19 (e.g., waiting for results of a test to confirm infection), or (4) diagnosed with COVID-19 and not yet cleared to discontinue isolation.

  • Per IDPH guidelines we recommend the wearing of face coverings when possible, and maintaining 6 feet of social distance.

  • CBT will not maintain a lost and found. Items left at the pool will be disposed of at the end of each day.

  • Our bathrooms and showers will be open, but we recommend you arrive already dressed and ready to swim, to reduce use of communal spaces as much as possible.

Thanks for your understanding and adherence to these polices, CBTC